Monday, February 23, 2009

Where Oh Where Could That Credit Card Be?

My dear sweet little boy, my toddler, is learning and growing at a very rapid rate. Tonight we found that some things he learns cause us to have to be more careful. Here's the story:

Ethan enjoys playing with Mike's wallet, opening it, taking things out, flinging it around, etc. He has recently discovered that he can put objects into other objects, blocks into the box, the animals into the ark, and so on. Well, you can probably tell where this story is headed. When Mike grabbed his wallet today he noticed it was open on his nightstand but didn't think too much of it. When he was getting ready to pay is when panic set in, no credit card. No problem, it's probably at home on the floor somewhere like usual when Ethan plays with it. Thankfully I was there and had my card. We got home and scoured the upstairs, no card, then I remembered, Ethan puts stuff into other things, it could be anywhere by now, but most likely it is in the house. We did find the card, it was in the top drawer of Mike's nightstand. Hopefully there was a lesson learned, to be more careful with wallets and keys, anything that might cause an issue if turned up missing.