Sunday, February 17, 2013


 Where to begin...I've been a bit MIA lately. For some reason, my kids don't care if I blog or not, and have been keeping me very busy, and tired.
So, let's start with the vacation that we have named...drumroll...

"Can We Have A Do Over?"
The idea of the trip was wonderful; Christine (a.k.a. Aunt Teenie Weanie), Jamie, Madalyn and Mirabelle would fly out for a week; we'd do whatever we can in February in Colorado (most importantly make sure the Floridians see snow). Simple, right?
Vacation started with a delayed flight; not too bad.
 Then starts the sickness; between the 8 of us there was something different EVERY day! We had headaches, UTI, pneumonia, an ear infection, colds, coughs, vomiting, lack of sleep; at least six trips to Walgreens for different medicines, a trip to urgent care, a trip to the pediatrician, a chest x-ray, did I mention lack of sleep?
Nurse Madalyn, making sure our pneumonia patient was well cared for
While it was great to see the kids interact and become friends, and we are so grateful for the additional distractions and parents in the house; we only got about two things checked off of our "to do" list. We took a week off work and ended up spending it in the house with our sick babies.
Lucy LOVED having Mirabelle around, she still asks for "Belle"

How to entertain kids for Florida? Give them a set of stairs. (they don't see them much down there)
Making business deals with Michael Michael

Finally getting out of the house (in our jammies) to the penny arcade in Manitou

Brother and sister, or the unibomber and Beverly Hills
 Guess when they all started feeling better? On Saturday, when they were going home...