Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 The leaves are changing, snow is in the forecast, Halloween costumes have been purchased, no matter how hard I try to put it off, Fall is here and Winter will soon follow.
 These are the trees in our backyard.
 Ethan's been learning all about seasons and what happens to the trees, he enjoys pointing out all the different colors. Except then he asks the hard questions, "Why do are those leaves purple, not yellow?"
 The weather has been fantastic, most days are warm enough to be outside without a jacket, then it gets chilly at night. We have snow in the forecaste for tonight and tomorrow though
Yesterday we took advantage of the gorgeous day and went over to Garden of the Gods, to be pretend tourists and just enjoy nature. Mondays for us are usually full of errands, but sometimes you just have to break away from that cycle.

Yes, Ethan brought a ninja sword (you never know what you'll run into in nature)

She looks so much like her brother in this picture, I think its the tongue

Our attempts at some family pictures

Can you tell who's getting tired? I'll give you a hint, its the one with his thumb in his mouth

Lucy rolled onto her tummy from her back yesterday then a few seconds later rolled back to her back. She only did it once, she doesn't like to repeat her tricks.
Lucy is in love with her toes, her brother, her daddy and chewing, on everything. She also is a total mama's girl.

She looks super cute on her brother's socks
And is gaining personality by the bucket loads every day. Her newest thing is she screeches, in happiness. She sounds like a bird, or a dinosaur, maybe a pterodactyl

Saturday, October 15, 2011


When my boy comes home from preschool I like to ask him about his day. He usually tells me about games he played, going to the playground, songs they sang, things along those lines. Most days I ask him about the other kids, if he played with them, were they nice, what their names are. He NEVER tells me their names. I was starting to think that, maybe he didn't play with the other kids. I wasn't too worried, one day I peeked in on him when we went to pick him up and he was holding hands with one of the girls. Thursday, my mom was chatting with one of the other mom's when she went to pick him up, and it turns out, I don't need to be concerned. It was one of the girl's moms and when my mom pointed out that she was picking up E, she said "Oh, that's her prince charming." Prince charming?! I asked him about her later and he shrugged it off with a "she shares with me." Little ladies man already, oh boy am I in trouble.

 Last night, as I was putting Ethan to bed, he told me "I love you mom." As my heart starts to melt he adds "Even though you're girly." Love you too kiddo.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watching football with Dad, while E's at school

At one point she was holding his hand in one of hers, his thumb in  the other and his fingers with her feet

Sunday, October 9, 2011

4 Months

In week we have been to the doctor 2 times for this little lady.

Like the ninja hands?
First, on Monday we went for her 4 month, well baby check up. She came in at a whopping 14 pounds, 5 ounces and 26 inches tall!! She has more then doubled her weight since birth and, as the doctor said, "is growing like a champ." She got two shots and an oral vaccine.

Also, a notable occurrence, Ethan got his flu shot. They gave him an Iron Man band aid and he actually let it stay on till that night, he usually hates band aids and makes me take them off as soon as we get home. I think it reminds him that he's hurt. Because of how brave and tough he was, we let him pick out a special toy at Target. We gave him a $10 limit so he set aside 3 Lego sets, then made his decision.

Back to the girl. The doctor gave us the ok to start her on cereal (more like grits or oatmeal). Tuesday night, after scrubbing down the highchair, we gave her her first taste. At first she was a little freaked out, but once she realized she could suck it off the spoon she loved it, I couldn't get it to her fast enough.

Wednesday night was day 2 on cereal, once again she did great. Thursday, I got a call from my mom, around noon, Lucy started throwing up. She tossed her cookies for about an hour, I called the doctor as soon as I had all the details from my mom, then I had to wait for a nurse to call me back. In the time between my initial call and the follow up from the nurse, Lucy was a miserable, snot dripping baby, took a 20 minute cat nap and woke up her normal, smiley self. The nurse told me to bring her in anyway, with her age and size they didn't want to risk dehydration. Once I got her in, she was still happy as could be with no more vomiting. The nurse practitioner told me that she is most likely not ready to start cereal and this is her way of telling us. She also recommended that I start eating more, a boost in calories is probably what Lucy needs to start sleeping longer at night (I think she just doesn't like sleep, weird).

 Now it's Sunday, Lucy is doing well but her brother's got a funk now. He woke up not feeling good and is currently taking a nap in my bed. We did get him a Halloween costume, but, unfortunately it has to go back. Although he makes an awesome Vader, the mask hurts his face and it's missing a piece, and for $20 I'm not quite ok with that. He's happy because he gets to pick another costumer and go to the Halloween stores.

Don't know why this ended up sideways

 I know, it's awesome.