This time last year, I was trying to wrap my mind around leaving my two month old to go back to work. This year I'm doing the dame thing except he's 14 months old, shouldn't it be getting easier?
Sorry for the significant decrease in blogging lately, we are all trying to adjust to our new schedule. It feels like coming back from vacation, a really long, wonderful vacation and its hard to snap back into reality. This past week, Tuesday to Saturday, was my second official week but the first that I worked the actual hours that I will be putting in from now on.
So far we have not gotten into a routine. We all wake up or are woken up between 6:15 and 7:15, get ready (sometimes Ethan gets to wear his jammies to Grandma's) and try to get out the door by 7:30. Most Wednesdays Mike heads over to Pikes Perk, a local coffee shop, to meet with a good friend of his. Other than that, we bring Ethan to my mom's, take a few minutes to adjust to him being there and say goodbye, and off to work we go. This Saturday, Mike drove separately, I had a baby shower to go to and he wanted to get home a little earlier than usual. We work together until 11 or noon then Mike goes out on service calls and I stay and work on office stuff. I leave work between 1:30 and 2 depending on if I took a lunch and head back to my mom's. If all went as planned throughout the day, Ethan is napping when I get there, which gives me some time to collect myself and hang out with my mom. After that we go do our errands or head home to play for the rest of the afternoon.
Three out of the five days, Mike runs home from work, which takes him about an hour. If that's the case, we usually wait to have dinner until after Ethan is in bed.Grandma bought Ethan a shovel the day before I took this picture, they played out back digging in the mulch and dirt. After we got home, I took him to the park where someone had left a couple of shovels and a pail in the sandbox so he and another boy played in the sandbox, he even got a shovel full of sand dumped on his head. I knew when all he wanted to do was go back and play in the sandbox that I better buy him a shovel for at home. The night we bought he walked around the house with his shovel and the strainer having little adventures.
This is in the morning, he was actually in a great mood, but this is the face I kept getting when I would take his picture.
Now he just wants to play!
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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