Sunday, February 1, 2009

Make New Friends

Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in Colorado Springs, we have been getting quite a few of those this winter, thank goodness, Ethan loves to be outside. After an exhausting morning of playing hard with Grandma and Grandpa (pictures to come, hopefully) and a much needed nap, I took Ethan over to the park. My little boy is growing up so fast, there were times that he didn't even want to hold my hand! He would ask for help when he fell down and then let go and take off! This is a little scary, and not just because I want him to stay a baby for a little while longer, but because he doesn't understand the rules of a playground. Excuse me, let me rephrase, the safety rules of the playground. For example, when he wants to go on the swings, he walks up to the swing, but he doesn't understand that when someone's on the swing he can't walk up to it or he'll get a foot to the face. And the ladder that he's obsessed with, I've let him try and he can't climb it yet, I let him play with it when no one else is but he doesn't understand that when other kids are trying to climb he can't stand there. The list goes on, so although I am so excited he is embracing his Independence when he's playing, I am a natural worry wort (meet my mother) and stay very close to him.
Something very cute happened while we were playing. There was a little girl (almost 10 months) sitting on the side of the playground with her grandma, watching her mom and big sister play. Ethan walked right up to her, sat down and started playing next to her. At this age, kids don't really understand how to play together but it's sweet to see him playing next to her.

He's such a big boy!!