Ethan has been very excited about water lately. Previously it's been sort of hit or miss with swimming, sprinklers, buckets of water, etc. The past few weeks I have taken him swimming about 4 times (a lot for us) and he has enjoyed every time! For two of those times, enjoyed is not quite the right word. He turned into a Wild Man!! He was absolutely reckless the last time we went. He actually enjoys being dunked under water and does it without help sometimes. He would take hold of the bar that is used as a railing to climb the steps, swing out his legs and then drop into the water. He is crazy!!!! I can't tell you how proud of him I am (and I'm sure his Papa agrees).
Along with being crazy in the pool, Ethan loves any chance to play in the water. His new thing (which I'm convinced he learned from Milo) is to stick his head in a bucket of water, lift his head out, and drink it as it drips off of his nose.It is hilarious!! Not just buckets either, you may remember this pool that my mom has for him, it has seen some head dunking as well
(I just wanted to post that pic)
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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