Monday, August 17, 2009

First Sentence

Yesterday Ethan and I were watching his Thomas the Train video, it is an episode where Thomas falls into a hole and Gordon has to come pull him out. After Thomas fell, Ethan looks at me and says: "Juju elp T-T-T" in other words "Gordon help Thomas." Over course I got very excited and gave him lots of love and praise and he kept saying it over and over. This is officially Ethan's first sentence. He uses a lot of words together like "All done" of "Up above" but I don't think he knows that they are separate words so they don't count. We were trying to count all the words he uses the other night and we got to 80 before we lost count, then I thought of more later. It's so incredible to watch him try to communicate. If he wants something in a particular place he'll say the word or point to it and then point to where he wants it. For example he is crazy over Popsicles, so he'll say "pop pop" then point to the inside of his hand. Also, when he says something and you guess correctly what he said he'll laugh, like "yeah you got it".

Here's some pics from last week, we did a little hiking through Garden of the Gods. Oh and interestingly enough, although Ethan is turning into quite the reckless climber, he did not like climbing the rocks.