Monday, August 29, 2011

Date Night

Around noon on Saturday, Mike called me with an "opportunity." A friend/coworker had 2 extra tickets to the Denver Bronco game, that night. So, you think to yourself, "Wow, how exciting, a professional football game, free!" Yeah, well I start stessing. Do I go, not go, would it be too much of an imposition on my parents to watch the kids. What if Lucy's fussy, what if E misbehaves, what if I don't go and don't have another opportunity (this was my first NFL game, even if it was preseason). I know, I know, it's just football, but, sorry folks, this is the way my brain functions. After much debate and a few phone calls with my mom, I decided to go.
I dropped the kids off a few hours later and we headed up to Denver.

This is how close we were! To the top! 5 rows to be exact, although from what I've heard this is one of the best places to be.

We did have a designated driver, me, in fact
Climbing the steep stairs to the top with my pretzel
And, as for these two angels...

cause after seeing those pictures can you deny that's what they are? Well, they both managed to stay awake till 10:30pm, with one of them crying/fussing for the majority of the time. Needless to say, Grandma and Papa were tired on Sunday. Thank you guys, it is so important for us to go out on dates and you make it possible.


Heidi Spellman said...

Seriously Mallory, did you think I would let you give up a chance to go to a football game! Besides 10:30 & fussy just gave me a chance to cuddle Lucy more. Being tired the next day was worth it.