Lucy had her two month check up today. Glad to report she is growing fantastically!! Her latest stats are:
height 23 3/4"-90th %tile
weight 11 lbs, 5 oz-74th %tile.
I looked in Ethan's baby book, she weighs a little more then a pound more and is an inch taller then he was at two months.
She had three shots today, I thought I had heard the girl scream, I had no idea. When the nurse held her legs down she let out a wail. She did great for the first few hours we were home, but around 2pm she started screaming and her little leg was so red. Michael ran out for some infant tylenol and within a half an hour she was doing much better. I got her in the tub and actually got some smiles out of her. Since then she's been off and on, smiling and cooing then crying, then sleeping, but nothing like earlier. She's getting medicine every four hours, as we were directed, and the redness is completely gone.
In other news, we are going green! Or trying at least. I am going to try and cloth diaper the babe. No, not the cloth, folded like origami and secured with a safety pin. These are all fancy with snaps and velcro and colors and absorbency pads. I'll admit, I'm not really doing it for environmental reasons as much as for pocket book ones. Any ways to cut corners. I have several friends that are cloth diapering and it just seems to be popping up everywhere I look. It's too hard to ignore that something seems to be pushing me in this direction. I resisted for a long time because of the initial cost, even though over the long haul we will save. Yesterday someone posted a bunch of diapers on craigslist for 1/2 off, then today when I took Lucy to the pediatrician, our hospital bill was somehow lowered the exact amount of the diapers, hmmm, coincidence, maybe. So, we'll try it out. I'll let you know how it goes.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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