Monday, March 22, 2010

Garden of the Gods

I love this age. There are so many, many struggles that come with having a two year old. They test every ounce of patience that you didn't realize that you have. But then you have a day like we had today (which actually happen quite frequently) and you realize that its worth it. That a day like today makes you forget how hard some of the other days are. In other words, today was a great day. The weather was perfect (I have the sunburn to prove it). We only had to have one time out. And we were off together as a family.
We spent the morning gardening, washing cars, cleaning out the garage, and giving Milo a bath. After Ethan's nap we went and had lunch, he choose rice.
Then brought a whole bunch of unused stuff down to Springs Rescue Mission. After that we made our way over to Garden of the Gods, so much more then a tourist location.

Kissing Camels

He literally sat here for 10 seconds, and I actually got the picture!

We hiked up this path and at the top was not only this beautiful view, but a guy playing the bagpipes, weird but awesome I know!

Bagpipe guy's audience

Yes, he did and yes, it hit me
Ethan got one too