Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

 My baby's first Valentines day, her shirts says "Free Hugs (While Supplies Last)"

 And, although he should be at his Preschool Valentine's day party, Ethan is spending his third day on the couch, sick. It's been a hard few days (and nights) at our house. Whenever one of the kids gets sick, it's hard to watch them go through it, knowing the only thing you can do is cuddle them and be there, but this illness has gotten us all a little emotionally unstable. He's never been this sick, this long. I'm talking not eating hardly drinking, had to go to the doctor's, sick. Then add in that because of it, we're not sleeping well. We're just doing what we can to make him comfortable and and hydrated.
Hopefully within the next day or so he'll be back to his normal, goofy self