We made it! Ethan was born at 35 weeks, on the nose, and here we are at 36 weeks and some odd days. We are ecstatic and so over being pregnant all at the same time. It's very difficult right now, it just feels like we're waiting. Will it be today? Next week? In June? But we also know that everyday this nugget cooks is a better chance for a healthy delivery and less of a chance of a NICU stay. So our emotions are in constant battle.I am still working, thank goodness since our operations department is currently going through the biggest turn over we've ever had. So there's lots of training to be done before I'm out for 3 months.
We are no longer on medication to prevent labor, whenever God decides its time for baby to come, the doctor has given the green light. My body is progressing toward labor but nothing too dramatic or fast.
Our bags have been packed for several weeks (ever since our hospital scare) and are just sitting on the bedroom floor, waiting to be used.
I'm thinking I can probably exchange the preemie diapers I bought for plain newborn size!!We are just so anxious to meet this one. We are dying to find out the gender, but are still really happy we decided not to. I can't wait to be able to exercise and run with Ethan, and not worry about if he wants to lay on my stomach.
My belly button has, basically, popped. I think that means we're done.Until next time... (Maybe from the hospital, but probably not)
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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