For some reason, my camera is taking blurry pictures (it could be because my 3 year old will not stand still for more the 1/2 a second)
We had a small, but wonderful birthday party for Ethan on Sunday.He loved every minute! He is so appreciative of everything these days, and observant. He notices every Christmas light we pass in the car and thanks me for every decoration I put up.
He (and Daddy) wrote his first letter to Santa this year. He asked for Planet Heroes (a Fischer Price action figure line). Hopefully Santa's elves have a good contract with Fischer Price and can deliver.He had his 3 year old check up on Monday. At 3 years old he is 3 feet, 3 inches and 32 pounds (one more pound and it would've all been 3's). He's still in the 90th % for height and is up to the 50th % for weight.
Otherwise, we're just keeping busy. He's asks every day if it's Christmas Eve, he has an advent calendar from Aunt Linda that he loves, but doesn't understand that while there's still doors, it's not Christmas. So, Daddy had to make an extra countdown of paper links so he has more of a visual. He still asks every day though.
Little Nugget seems to be doing well (about 5" long, the size of an orange). I have been feeling it squirming around for a few days now so I'm getting excited. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday, hopefully the one after that will be an ultrasound, but we (I) still don't want to find out the sex of the baby, we'll see if that changes once the information is actually available.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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