Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
If you don't
I don't care
I'll pull down your underwear!

Ethan has been singing this song for the past few weeks, getting ever more excited for Halloween night. Who, you may ask, taught my sweet, loving almost 3 year old this song? I know most of you answered "Daddy" but think again, Grandma taught Ethan the festive chant that he loves. It's pretty funny though so its ok.

We trick or treated around Grandma's nieghborhood (and got a few full sized treats).

We made it up the street to the first intersection when Ethan decided it was time to go back.
"Ethan don't you want to keep trick or treating?"
"No, my bucket's full, go back to Mama's house."
So we did, we hit most of the houses on the way back. And here's his loot:

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
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