Every year, having Ethan with us at Christmas has made the holiday so much different then before. This year is no exception. On Thanksgiving we pulled out all of the Christmas decorations, when he came down from his nap he couldn't have been happier; "Our house looks so pretty!"
That night when we got home and he saw the lights it was the same enthusiasm, "Our house looks so cool!" We have spent the nights driving or walking around looking at the decorations and each house, whether it had a wreath or was fully lit up, was like the first one he'd ever seen. Its like magic. Last night we drove to my parents, I think my dad was trying to get away with no outdoor lights this year (they have new siding and you really don't want to punch holes in new siding) but as soon as we got there; "Papa, why you no put up lights?" Yeah, I think those lights will be up soon.
Today, despite the cold and wind and snow we went and got our tree. We always go to the Heidrich's Colorado Tree Farm Nursery, which is family owned by some very close friends of ours, and have always gotten wonderful trees.Yes, he is in his robot costume. I love putting up the ornaments, it's my favorite part, looking at each one, remembering when you got it.
When E saw the tree all finished he was so happy, he told me "Thank you Mommy this is so pretty." I told him "Thank you for loving it" and he said "I didn't decorate our house, you did, thank you." I love this kid.
Then they bundled up and he and Daddy went sledding.
P.S. Nugget is doing great, we heard his/her heartbeat at our last appointment. Appetite has gone down, but that could be because I've had a nasty cold all week.
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Toddler Talk
Yesterday I took Ethan to Target. When I was getting him out of the car, the sun hit him in the eye. This is what he said:
"Really sun? Really? You bright, go down so I can talk to moon now."
Yeah it really happened and I laughed. He is so funny, this is one of the many moments he makes me laugh.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day Off
I love Mondays, they're the day that we get to spend together, the three of us. Today, per Ethan's request, we went fishing. The weather has been amazing so we took advantage of what could be the last nice weekend. I forgot my camera, couldn't remember where I put it. So, I'll just have to tell you about the fish Michael caught, and then released on my "orders." He really had to work for the little guy, he wouldn't bite and Michael wouldn't leave. Fortunately for our pal he was a little shy of the legal limit, and Mommy is not going to eat fish, so he was set free.
After fishing we hit the park for awhile and then I went grocery shopping, needless to say, I'm exhausted!! I get tired walking up the stairs and this was a full day. I think Ethan and I will share a bedtime tonight.
Speaking of feelings for "nugget," sometime last night Ethan grasped (for lack of better term) the concept that there's a baby in my belly. At first he got confused and tried to look in my mouth, then he put his hand and head on my belly and made Michael do the same. This morning he tried to share his Cheerios by putting one on my belly button. He keeps asking me if its a boy or a girl, and to get it out so he can play with it. I have to tell him it'll be a long time before that happens, it's only about an inch big right now. He's such a sweet boy, I know he'll be a great big brother.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Trick or Treat...
Give me something good to eat
If you don't
I don't care
I'll pull down your underwear!
"Ethan don't you want to keep trick or treating?"
"No, my bucket's full, go back to Mama's house."
So we did, we hit most of the houses on the way back. And here's his loot: