Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Weenie!

I was trying to teach Ethan to say "Trick or Treat" but he wouldn't even try, I don't think he likes the Tr sound. So I switched to Happy Halloween since we recently got Happy Birthday down. He does pretty well with the Happy part but instead of Halloween he calls it Weenie so "Happy Weenie!!"

I cannot tell you how much fun this Halloween was for us. For the past few months I was planning on dressing Ethan up as a train engineer (of Thomas the Train to be exact) but when I asked him what he wanted to be he started to do the motions of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. So away my mind went thinking that I could make an Itsy Bitsy Spider costume. Whenever we'd talk about it he'd get very excited, but when it came to actually trying the costume on he had a fit! I mean screaming, crying, scared of the costume, fit. Great, I thought, all that work down the drain. I continued to work on the costume anyway and a few days before Halloween we got him in it and he liked it! He was playing with the arms and rubbing the belly and running all around the house, relief washed over me (yes I am being dramamtic but this is the first time I've made a Halloween costume and I was a little anxious) the only part he refused to wear was the hat.

So, we put it on Oscar
Halloween festivities started for us on Friday, the 30th. My good friend Samantha invited us to her work where they had 3 floors of trick or treating. I put Ethan's costume on in the car and he could sense my excitement, we were ready to go. It was a blast! At first he was nervous of all the new people but then he figured out he could take a piece of candy from each bowl and off he went running from one to another. He'd pick up a piece, put it back, pick up another, making sure he got the best of the selection.After trick or treating we went to see Auntie so she would get to see the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and a little exercise since Ethan decided to run around the counter in a game of chase. Of course who could be mad at a 2 year old in a spider costume?

That night there was a Harvest Festival at a church down the street from us, with games food and entertainment so we put ourselves in the car and went over. It was packed!!! It turned out to be a lot of fun despite the crowd, Ethan got to do some dancing, running and fishing for ducks.

End of the night? Not yet, we still had to carve our pumpkin. We had left our pumpkin out during the snow storms we had and it froze so when it thawed it went a little gooey. So he became a sick pumpkin.Finally, Halloween had arrived!! After a long day of waiting (tail is appropriate)We headed out to hit the streets and earn some candy! Our first door...Grandma, Papa and Great Papa B!!!
By the third house, Ethan was so excitedly running around screaming "Candy!!"