Sunday, October 25, 2009

Little Sponges

Before Ethan was born we started the process of looking for a daycare that we could trust to bring our son to. I remember at most of the places we looked, they would make the comment of "they're like sponges," we'd nod our heads in agreement even though we had no idea what they were talking about, I would think "yeah, kids copy what they see, I get it."

I didn't get it. Kids at Ethan's age are literally like sponges! They absorb EVERYTHING going on around them and retain it for future reference. Ethan's communication and memory skills are working triple time! He can tell us what he wants, where he wants it, how he wants it and what noises it should make.

He asks to sing ABC's and the Itsy Bitsy Spider, then helps sing along (moment of pride, he can say most of his letters). He named two of his tub toys and remembers their names the next day and the day after. He remembers that his Uncle Jamie was here and gave him nickels, and that his Grandma usually comes in through the front door and gave him a set of Cars keys. He knows what he's not supposed to touch and tells you "no, nah" while he's commiting the crime. He knows most of the words to his lullaby and can sing it with me. He recognizes Os and knows what letters are hanging in his room to spell his name. He remembers where Daddy works and tells me when we're on our way there. He remembers that his Papa taught him to say maybe and says "Papa maybe" whenever he hears the word. He knows where the tractors usually are on our way to Grandma's (but still asks for more). At Grandma's he knows where the remotes are for just the TV and then for his video. His vocabulary has also shot way up and he seems more comfortable trying new words.

In short, he is smart!! Smarter than you would realize, that little head of his has so much information and he's just dying to tell us about it!!