Today we should be celebrating the first day of Fall/Autumn, whatever you like to call it, but after a wonderful summer, a week that I like to call "Fall Preview" we have now entered Winter. It snowed yesterday!!! Nothing stuck to the ground but the rain was white, no matter how many times Ethan disagreed with me and called it rain, it was snow.
We are definitely not ready for cold weather here in this house. First, there's the thing about not being able to run outside and go to the park whenever we (Ethan) feels like it. Second, hats, who likes them anyways? Third, never mind just hats (although they are the worst) putting on all these stinking clothes is a pain in the butt, plus, then you have to take them all off again when you go inside, silly.Now that we are officially in Fall, I have been given the unspoken "OK" from my husband to start thinking about Halloween. I had a great idea involving one of Ethan's favorite things, on what to dress him as, but, when I presented the idea he promptly said "No". I gave his almost two year old, creative mind a chance to work and asked him what he would like to be. No here's the thing, he did tell me what he wanted and I am going to attempt to make it myself, I have never done something like this and am not that creative so I am not going to tell you what it is (I hesitated even telling you I was making it) in case it turns into a disaster and he ends up wearing a pair of skeleton pajamas (he'd still be cute). So stay tuned and hopefully you, nor Ethan, will be disappointed.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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