Last weekend, before this Colorado fall weather moved in, we took Grandma L up to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Ethan has gone quite a few times with his other grandparents but we haven't gone as a family since...? I was a bit nervous, Ethan was very drippy from either a cold or teething the day before, but it turned out to be a great trip! He started loosing patients at the very end but we went the opposite way that we normally do so we saw all the good stuff.
Ethan just happened to take his thumb out of his mouth when his grandma was snapping this pick, "thumbs up dude!"

Big horned sheep

A gigantic toad

One of the hippos made her way outside while we were observing

I really can't remember which monkey he weighs as much as, but this scale put him at just over 25 lbs, then Daddy got on and boy did that needle move!

Organutan mommy with her climbing baby, I know the feeling

Orangutan looking down at us

The view with the big horned sheep and giraffes


I took Ethan on the carousel for the first time, he really liked it at first until a few minutes before the end, then he was done. I don't think he understood why we kept passing Daddy and Grandma

Entering My Big Backyard

A giant garden hose

This was his favorite! A big spider web

You can be a big pig too!

Daddy's favorite, the tigers. They were playing the water when we got there

We were getting ready to walk past after the got out when Michael noticed this one right at the fence!! He was so close I think we could've touched him!

I think this is the first time I've actually seen one of the wolves at the zoo, you could see it better from outside the viewing area

This part kind of freaked me out, these are the wallabies and they are not fenced in. I could just imagine Ethan going for its tail like Oscar or Milo and it turning around and kicking him

The zoo keeper had a baby that we got to pet and the one by her feet thinks she's his girlfriend and doesn't leave her alone (he also tries to get frisky when there's no one else there)

Thank you for visiting Cheyenne Mountain Zoo!
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