The leaves are changing, snow is in the forecast, Halloween costumes have been purchased, no matter how hard I try to put it off, Fall is here and Winter will soon follow.
These are the trees in our backyard.
Ethan's been learning all about seasons and what happens to the trees,
he enjoys pointing out all the different colors. Except then he asks the
hard questions, "Why do are those leaves purple, not yellow?"
The weather has been fantastic, most days are warm enough to be outside without a jacket, then it gets chilly at night. We have snow in the forecaste for tonight and tomorrow though
Yesterday we took advantage of the gorgeous day and went over to Garden of the Gods, to be pretend tourists and just enjoy nature. Mondays for us are usually full of errands, but sometimes you just have to break away from that cycle.
Yes, Ethan brought a ninja sword (you never know what you'll run into in nature) |
She looks so much like her brother in this picture, I think its the tongue |
Our attempts at some family pictures |
Can you tell who's getting tired? I'll give you a hint, its the one with his thumb in his mouth |
Lucy rolled onto her tummy from her back yesterday then a few seconds later rolled back to her back. She only did it once, she doesn't like to repeat her tricks. |
Lucy is in love with her toes, her brother, her daddy and chewing, on everything. She also is a total mama's girl. |
She looks super cute on her brother's socks |
And is gaining personality by the bucket loads every day. Her newest thing is she screeches, in happiness. She sounds like a bird, or a dinosaur, maybe a pterodactyl |
Too adorable! I love screeches of happiness. I swear, you and mike make THE most gorgeous/fun children!
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