Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet and Tough

Here we have sweet, smiley baby

Curious, strong

Animal lover

talkative baby

Here we have tough, rambunctious


mother loving boy

We played with paint yesterday

They turned into football players, traveling football players (hence the suitcase/cooler)

they were tough

in a cute way

and then we bring you back to this sweet, mismatched bundle of cute
Ethan's imagination took a new leap yesterday. He's always playing make believe, but yesterday he started a story and followed it through. He grabbed his suitcase (see above) and his "coffee" and took an airplane to New York. Once there, he and daddy took a taxi, did some outdoor play, then took a plane back to Colorado Springs, well a different Colorado Springs, so they still had to stay at a hotel.
Almost every night Mike and Ethan have been watching a young football team practice over at the park, then they come home and do their practice. It's been great watching them bond over the sport. Ethan enjoys the tackling best, but is learning so much while playing.