Yesterday, my mom and I took the kids to Costco to pick up a few things (an adorable ladybug costume for Lucy, to be seen at a later date). While we were there we walked around the toy aisles. There were Legos, Transformers, tools, stuffed animals, and this:
an Erector set that builds...ROBOTS! Ethan was excited, but not to the point that I had to drag him away from it. He willingly walked away without so much as a fuss. Normally, if that happens, the toy is not too important to him and he forgets about it.
Later that afternoon, we were out playing with chalk and he drew this picture:
For those of you that can't interpret 3.5 year old sidewalk chalk drawings, this is a picture of Ethan and Daddy on a date, Daddy bought Ethan the robot legos (that's what he calls them) that he saw at Costco (specifically the one with the orange top), and Daddy is building them.
Later that evening, after taking Milo for a walk, Ethan bursts in the door telling me he needs to write a letter to Santa, so that Santa knows he wants the lego robots from Costco. He drew pictures of the robots and I wrote the words for him. This is what it says: "Dear Santa, I want Legos. The Legos that you put together to make robots. The Legos with the orange top."
So much for thinking he forgot.