I have been missing my camera-computer plug thing-a-ma-jig for the past few days and I found it today! The happenings of lately in the Lockhart household have been, mostly, good.
Ethan found a page of stickers and decided to decorate his room for Kwanzaa (this is exactly what he told me). I know he learned that Kwanzaa exists from a show on the Disney Channel, but how he knows how they decorate is beyond me. Luckily, for us both, the stickers don't stick too well to the wall, so he can enjoy his decorating with easy clean up.We celebrated Valentine's Day (remember the heart means love and beating). I got Ethan a small Valentine gift, a batman tin with a Star Wars lollipop and some new finger paints. As soon as Ethan saw it he got excited and shouted "a liquor!"...this comes from the fact that any time we go to the liquor store he gets a lollipop (which is not that often) but he now associates liquor and lollipop to be the same thing.
Baby and I had a checkup on V-Day, which went well. The heartbeat was really loud and he said, thankfully, that my weight looks good. (I have enjoyed eating since getting pregnant) He also gave us the ok to make travel plans. We are hoping to make a trip to Florida for Michael's "dirty thirty" in March. He just suggested we find an airline that will let you cancel or change your itinerary without too much of a penalty, just in case.
During my appointments, my mom comes over to watch Ethan (he freaks out at any doctor office but Michael really enjoys going to the appointments). She brought him a Valentine present too. His favorite is definitely the Transformers book that she brought, we read it over and over and over (and its only like 5 pages). Then we all get assigned a character to be (and you must call each other by the correct names).
After the doctor we broke out the new finger paints, and what better way to use them then to have Daddy turn you into the Flash?We took the afternoon and went swimming. Ethan is becoming very good at this sport. The YMCA has a floatie called Puddle Jumpers, its awesome. It keeps him above the water but still allows him to practice swimming, unlike the life vests that force kids onto their backs. So we've been practicing with the Puddle Jumpers for past few weeks and he can really paddle himself around!
After swimming we noticed E was getting a little drippy, which is usually a sure sign he's coming down with something. Boy were we right. the next two nights were spent barely sleeping with a small ball of fire between us, waking up all the time and just crying.Thankfully, during the day he feels a lot better (the weather has been awesome). And last night we all slept through the night!
Another great event that happened was that Ethan felt the baby move for the first time. Baby has been moving a lot lately (except when my sister's around) it's big enough that you can see it from the outside. The other night it was kicking a lot so I put Ethan's hand on my belly. When he felt it he pulled his hand back, smiled at me, then said "that was weird, you make me laugh." Then covered my belly (the baby) with his Zazzy, yeah he's the sweetest.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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