Before becoming a parent you hear about it and it really doesn't sound that bad. You think "I want my kid to ask lots of questions, and I'm going to answer them." And, truthfully, I still feel that way (most of the time).
Then you become a parent, a parent of a 3 year old and you realize sometimes the questions have no answers, sometimes the questions don't even make sense! But they still keep asking! And when you can answer, they ask why to the answer!
"Mommy, why is Bumblebee a transformer?"
"Because he was made that way"
"Why, mommy?"
"Why what Ethan?"
"Why was he made a transformer?"
"Um, so he could be fun for you to play with"
"Why?" And on and on.
Some of our most recent inquiries are:
"Let's go play outside Mommy."
"OK Ethan that sounds good."
"Why what?"
"Why are we going to play outside?"
"Because you asked if we could and I said yes."
"Why did you ask or why did I say yes?"
"Why did I ask to go outside?"
"I have no idea Ethan."
"Why do we have friends?"
"Why do we go to Grandma's?"
I try to answer his questions as honestly as possible, and I try not to discourage him from asking. Some of the techniques we have learned is 1. Make sure he knows what he's asking why about and 2. (This one's from Michael) give him a detailed enough answer that he either is focused on trying to figure out the answer so he forgets to ask why, or he doesn't follow and changes the subject.
The Age of Why, may be mentally exhausting (especially if you're pregnant) but it is amazing to watch what he retains and how he puts the concepts together.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Age of "Why?"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Nugget News 20 wks, 3 days
We had our ultrasound yesterday, and although it was really hard for both of us, we did not find out the gender of the baby. According to the ultrasound technician and the doctor, everything looks good. They're saying that Nugget is right on track, about 11 ounces in weight. Baby didn't want to be too cooperative with the technician, she was trying to get a profile shot, but it either wouldn't turn or would put its hand up by its face. She got a few but they're kind of blurry. It was relieving for me to see the baby and hear everything looks good, for some reason with this pregnancy I have had a lot of anxiety. Without further ado, I present to you the newest image of Skeletor, I mean Nugget Lockhart:In case you have no idea what you're looking at; in the picture above the right side is the baby's face, looking at towards you, its hands are close to the chin
The picture below is a profile shot, with a hand by the nose.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sarcasm, Nature or Nurture?
Is sarcasm learned or is it in our genes?
Background: We bought Ethan a pair of robot p.j.s on clearance from J. C. Penny's; it came with a robot mask. He wore the mask in the car to Lowe's but took it off right before we got there. He asked for us to put it back on before we went inside.
Michael took him out of the car and told him to stand still so he could put the mask on him. Ethan stands there, without moving. While Michael is putting on the mask he says; "Daddy, I'm moving my eyes!" That was my laugh of the day, hope you can enjoy that with me.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
and this kid's got it!Last night, our church hosted a young married couple dessert night. As one of my New Year's "goals" I want to make more friends for myself and for Ethan, so we went. We put Ethan in the childcare and got to meet a couple that are newly married and just enjoy an hour of chatting with other people. When Michael went to pick up Ethan the child care ladies couldn't stop talking about him:
"Do you know about the robot?"
"He is so creative with all the noises, he's so realistic he scared one of the other boys"
"He laid on the ground and wouldn't move until we changed his batteries""He also told us that his mommy has a baby in her tummy"
Mike: "Yeah, mommy has a baby in her tummy"
"Yeah, but he insists that Mommy has 2 babies in her tummy, a boy and a girl."
Hmmm, Does Ethan know something that we should know, or does he just not want to have to choose between a brother and sister? When Michael told me about the robot thing (yes, we know he does the robot) I laughed so hard. He's made me change his batteries before and it's hilarious. He'll lie on the ground with his eyes closed till you change them, and if you pick him up he'll just stay limp in your arms, very impressive.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Winter Fun
Friday, January 7, 2011
Nugget News 18 wk; 5 days
Michael felt Nugget kick for the first time tonight. Yes, it's that exciting that I had to share.
I am nesting like nobody's business. I nested a little with Ethan but it was all at work so our house never reaped the benefits. This time, if I had the time and money every room in our house would have a fresh coat of paint, new organization system and an overall clean out. But, alas, most of my time awake is spent working or entertaining a 3 year old so I can only do little bits at a time.
That's all for today.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Big and Smart
Can you believe this kid is going to be a big brother? My baby won't be the baby anymore, although if you tell him he's a baby now he will correct you, he is a big boy. I just can't believe him, I look back at pictures or videos or even just things I wrote down and am amazed where he's at today, 3 short years later.
Around his second birthday we still though we could count the words in his vocabulary, now I wouldn't even know where to begin. Last night when I left his room at bedtime I heard him singing through the monitor; "I don't wanna be all by myself!"
The other day, he uses the bathroom, number 2 (sorry if this is too much information); and I ask him: "Does your tummy still hurt?" His answer: "No cause there's no more poop in it!"
I'm telling you, every day he surprises me with the things he says or imagines or does. Pretty much everyday he pretends to be a rescue hero, a planet hero, a super hero and maybe a character or two from Nick Jr.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Last Day of the Year
How better to spend the last day of 2010 then snowed in! OK, we probably weren't technically snowed in, but my car sucks in the snow and my boss is very concerned about my safety, so he gave me the day off. The snow started in the afternoon on Thursday, and by that evening there were reports of at least two different 20 car pile ups around town. It just froze on the roads really fast! Thankfully everyone around us made it home safe (even those of us that choose to drive back to Denver).
Here are some pics from our fun in the snow:
Happy New Year to all of our friends and family, hope you all had a good night (I was in bed with a cold by 9pm) and a great first day of 2011!