Thursday, December 17, 2009

Birthdays, Basketball, Sickness, and Drums, all in a Week

Sorry to be a little MIA lately...
We've had a second birthday party to plan and execute

"Say cheese Auntie"

It was great, I'll post more pics if and when I ever get them
We had a day of nice weather to take advantage of
"If I could just jump a little higher"
Then our little Santa Claus
Got sick
His temp reached 102 off and on for about 36 hours, along with some vomiting, no appetite, very lethargic, irritable and mostly just wanting Mommy.
He's doing better today, but still tired and out of it.

And for your enjoyment, one night only, the rookie rebel, Ethan

We just need an agent


Brianna said...

uh oh looks like we have a drummer in the family. you guys might want to start saving now for the sound proofing you will want in the future :)

Rock on Ethan!