I know that this blog is usually all about Ethan, hey that's what keeps people reading right? Well tonight I just had to share with you this "miracle" hair treatment we found. It's all natural, you just mix up the ingredients, heat it up a little bit, slap it in your hair and let it sit. When you wash it out, it'll be like a whole new you. Not to mention the relaxation effect it has, and it smells good too.
Like I said, it's all natural, you could even eat it, it's also very inexpensive, so there's no excuse to not go out and try it right now.
The ingredients:
Tomato Sauce
Ground Beef
Spaghetti NoodlesOn a different note, I took Ethan to see his pediatrician this afternoon. To start, he's fine. When we were down in Florida, his eyes got a little pink which was to be expected with how much we were in the sun. It started clearing up when we got home and then last week one of them was clear and one was pink again. I had called to see if we should bring him in but since it wasn't bothering him and there was no discharge we decided to wait. Both eyes got pink again last night, so, fearing he may have a grain of sand stuck in his eye or something horrible like that, I brought him in. He has pink eye (the doctor said it's more like red eye) but not the kind that is contagious, not an infection, more of an irritation. He gave me a recommendation for some eye drops and we were on our way.
OK, that's not the whole story... Ethan had a small freak out when the doctor tried to examine him. As in, he turned into a monkey baby and tried to claw his way onto my back. Once we finally peeled him off of me I had to hold his hands so that he would stay somewhat still. The doctor made several comments about Ethan's strength and that he should be a wrestler. Big stuffed gorillas and pillows come to mind. They weighed Ethan with his clothes on so it's not exact but he was at 21lbs 8oz and 32 1/2 inches in height. He has his well baby check next month so we'll see where he ranks.
Two rounds of eye drops down, which is nothing compared to the dr's exam, and it seems to be at least temporarily clearing his eyes. And he has a new pirate name, Red Eye Ethan.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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