Happy Memorial Day! What an exhausting week we have had. Before I start, I have to apologize for the quality of the pictures, my camera is not working so I have been using an old one. The colors don't seem to come out quite as good.
As I told you before, we are finally getting around to finishing our backyard, a project we started three years ago when we moved into our house. I now understand why it has taken us so long to get to this point. The first summer we moved into the house we did the necessary landscaping and by the time we were done, it was too late in the year to start more backyard renovations. The next summer, I was pregnant with Ethan and then last year he was too small for us to be outside all the time. So, this is our year! Last weekend we got, literally, tons of rock delivered. 2 pallets of flagstone and 2 pallets of rock for the wall. We spent about 2 hours on Monday night unloading it into the garage. Yesterday, in what we thought was pretty good time, we, basically, finished the rock wall:Now we have to go place an order for sand and dirt or whatever goes underneath the flagstone.
This is us being really happy, and tired, with our progress:This is Ethan saying "I napped the whole time and skipped all that heavy lifting, now let's go run around!"
Yesterday evening we were invited to a BBQ by some good friends that live out east. Before we went, Mike went out in the garage to work on something or another, leaving Ethan and I to entertain ourselves, and entertain we did! We had a dance party!! It was so much fun, I turned on the radio and we just danced and danced, Ethan mostly spun in circles waving his hands up and down till he was too dizzy and either fell over or had to stand still for a few minutes. Towards the end of our dance party, we were doing follow the leader, I would do something with my hands and he would mimic me as best he could. Today when I started making lunch, he kept pulling me into the living room to dance.
The BBQ was a lot of fun. Unfortunately it rained a bit before hand so we're weren't able to go outside but that didn't stop the party. There were 5 other kids there besides Ethan, ranging from 2 1/2 months to 5. Ethan was fascinated with the bigger kids and was trying so hard to play with them. They were very good with him and let him be a part of things. At one point they all started spinning in circles in the hallway and Ethan just joined right in.With all the work we did yesterday, today has been a pretty laid back day, trying to recoup before going back to work tomorrow. Wait, did I say laid back? That is only for Ethan and myself, Mike has been non stop projects. In one weekend he finished our rock wall, refinished our kitchen table, mowed the lawn, and I don't even know what else.
After lunch I wanted to take Ethan over to the park before it rained (which it has been doing every afternoon) he insisted on his boots:This is the "Mom, can we go play already!"
I hope everyone is having a great weekend! The best part of this weekend? My sister's home from her cruise in Italy and Greece and we get to go see her in a few hours!! Welcome home sister!
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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