Monday, December 17, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

 (Which is good, cause Christmas is only a week away)

The Monday after Thanksgiving, as is the Lockhart tradition, we went to the Heidrich's Tree Farm to pick out our Christmas tree. Ethan really wanted a Charlie Brown, scraggly tree but we compromised.

 Then it was on to decorating. Snapped this adorable pic of the kids walking through Wal Mart to get some new lights
 Lucy LOVES Christmas lights. It's the most content she's ever been in her car seat. Although, she doesn't realize that Michael and I don't control where the lights are. She's always asking "More, please" (Yeah she says please and its adorable)
  So, while she's asking, we tell her "keep your eyes open" and this is the face she makes, saying "eyes"
 It's been a pretty mild Christmas season so far, i.e. not feeling much like Christmas. It has been nice to be able to get the kids out of the house, Lucy gets stir crazy pretty quickly and taking them both, well, anywhere gets a bit stressful.
 We did have one snow day.
 We tried busting out the sled, but between the below freezing temperatures and the very light dusting of snow, it only moved about three inches down the hill.


Elise Johnson said...

"More Please"? Are you kidding? That is THE sweetest thing ever! Love how they hold hands, too precious.