How exciting would it be if I just retold Etan's birth story? Yeah, I'm probably the only one that enjoys that story...over, and over, and over.
HE'S FIVE!! That's an entire handful of fingers!! How did this happen?!?!
He's such a sweet, kind boy (that is crazy for presents!) He has at least three girls in preschool that are vying for his hand in marriage. He cares so much for others, is constantly helping and playing with his sister.
His imagination is wild and crazy. And he seems to be growing two inches a month.
And he is incredibly smart. He is always adding and subtracting numbers or telling me the first letters of words.
I know I'm late on this post, but we had a hell of a week. We all came down with the stomach flu, and while the majority of the sickness passed after two days, it took a better part of the week to feel normal again. Because of all the sickness, we had to postpone Ethan's birthday party to this weekend. And then, because I procrastinated, I had to plan the party. Oh and I have two children that needed attention.
For his actual birthday, we took the kids up to the Denver Children's Museum. It was a blast! And, I guess, pretty educational.
Ball room |
Future veterinarian |
Brown bear |
Fire truck driver |
Rescue hero |
And of course the excitement of opening birthday gifts with the family
Today was his party. He was allowed to invite five friends (you know, cause he's five). Only 3 came but two brought siblings so it was still a full house. Rather than planning games (and cause I'm a procrastinator) we just let the kids have some free play. Eat cupcakes and open presents.
He's a great kid. I couldn't have asked for a better boy to come into our lives. I hope he had a memorable day.