Since coming home from our vacation, Lucy sustained her first major goose egg. Someone thought it was a good idea to pull her legs out from under her while she was walking toward the kitchen. Her forward made significant contact with the corner of the wall and within a few minutes she looked like a baby unicorn with her horn trying to emerge. Fortunately, the swelling stopped quickly, the guilty party issued a heartfelt apology and all was right in the world again. Well, until the cap gun found the same spot on her forehead...
Lucy's opinions are getting stronger daily, as you can see from the picture above, she wore her jammies as a cape with slippers and a King Soopers balloon. She loves shoes and hats. Today, she was tasting all of my shoes, literally, putting them in her mouth and biting down. I'd like to blame teething but really I think she's just weird.
Ethan's school had "carnival day" this past week. Families were invited to watch, I got to meet all his new friends and watch him participate in events like the tricycle race
Shared a snack with his sister
Beanbag toss
Waiting for pumpkin bowling
Pass the apple, without using your hands
Obstacle course
And, for lack of better name, carry the bird-seed-to-the-bucket-without-spilling.
He's been doing great at school, quite a ladies man. He has at least two girls telling their parents that he's their boyfriend. Plus, I found out that he kissed one during recess. O.K. how do you tell your (almost) five year old that kissing is special, without taking away the innocence of giving his "very best friend" a little peck? We're working on it, so far we have "no kissing at school."
Fall is in full swing here in Colorado. One day it'll be high 60s the next in the 30s. But the colors are beautiful!! And we've been able to bust out our boots and sweaters
Ethan's been getting into games lately, real games, not computer or video games. We play at least two rounds of Candy Land a day, at least. We even bought it for one of his girlfriend's birthdays so she could have experience the joy too.