and Vader and penguins and Minnie Mouse.
We went from a white Christmas to 60 degree weather this week. The kids got to try out their new winter gear
Lucy is desperate to move, she's trying so hard to crawl, she gets on her hands and knees but the flops down to her belly and gets very frustrated and cries till we put her back to a sitting position. She is not satisfied with any toys that are close to her, she has to try and reach the ones further away and somehow she gets herself over to them. I think it involves some kind of scooting on her bum and maybe some magic, yeah, probably magic. She stands any time she can, she's not quite pulling herself all the way up but she's trying. She'll walk while holding your fingers too.
Ethan's a ninja, and, although very much his father's son, I took a bunch of these photos of him and all I can see is my dad in him.
You better watch out, partner, I've got cuteness and drool on my side |
Our friends Nathaniel and Corinna (with baby Gavin) came over this past week. Ethan kept Nathaniel busy with ninja stuff and games and Lucy watched over Gavin for us. She really wanted to touch his face, or grab, same thing
He didn't care too much
Then there was the Rock Em Sock Em Robots issue. Picture this, your at a rodeo, the star cowboy gets thrown from the bucking bronco and one of the clowns didn't move Rock Em Sock Em!! That's about how it happened.
Here's the spring like weather, she loves the swing
The boys are in the background |
She also loves grass, eating grass
and more ninja moves
Ethan went back to school Thursday, thank goodness. He was asking every day "is tomorrow school day? I miss my best friends." As soon as we got there, there was no more hand holding, with me anyway, just his girlfriend. He's looking forward to the spaghetti dinner they host for the kids and their dads.