Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Meet Marble

Marble is our adopted elf on the shelf, except today he's on a stocking. Everyday Marble watches and listens, and every night he goes back to the Nortg Pole and reports to Santa (a little freaky, I know). Then, that sneaky Marble, when he comes back, he hides in a new spot! And we have to find him in the morning, hence why the elf on the shelf is now the elf on the stocking.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


"What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today?" I have no idea who said/wrote that but it's pretty powerful. I am thankful for holidays, the type of holidays where your surrounded by good weather, amazing kids, a fantastic husband and a family that loves to laugh and play. Holidays where you can tell your friends that you love them, without thinking you're too sappy, have a parade around the park and wave at all the cars passing by, where you don't get out of your jammies till almost noon.

That's a lowly worm turkey on top, if you hadn't guessed
She was happy on her first Thanksgiving, even though she didn't get to try the turkey
Feeding apples to the cows
Don't worry, he just borrowed it 
The setup

and the knock down

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From the mouths of babes, take 2

Before I tell you what he said, you need a mental picture:
Small bathroom, dark except for a few candles and the light from a green and purple glow necklace around Ethan's neck. He's in the shower, done but not out yet. He goes down on one knee, hand up to his head. Ok, are you ready for it?

"I'm a star wars guy, Tebowing"


Friday, November 18, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

Things heard around our house:
"Mommy, when Grandma feeds Lucy, she doesn't use her (whisper with a snicker) boob"

"Daddy I'm batman and your my sir"
"Your sir?"
"Yeah the guy that drives the ship"
"Cause they always call him sir?"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hello! (sideways again, I don't know why)

Life in our household is, for lack of better words, busy. We are juggling a more structured schedule for Nugget, which is difficult to get back into, Ethan is so flexible now. She needs it though, so she can sleep better, and the rest of us need her to sleep better. She is such a happy baby if she takes good naps, and Mommy is happier when she can sleep more then 2 hours at a time.

This is a new face, I call it "I just ate a lemon"
Lucy has been mimicking a lot of faces lately, she chews when we eat (it looks like she's chewing gum). And she learned how to blow raspberries, which usually ends up with a lot of drool. She's laughing a lot more, and her cries are getting more distinct; she has a cry that just means "I'm mad and I want someone to come pick me up"
Gorgeous blue eyes
This previous week, while Ethan was at school, we watched a dump truck back into our park and dump a load of fresh mulch in the playground. Ethan and Mike spent a few hours over there playing on it. It was their ship, taking them to distant lands.

We went over and watched for a little bit

They also jumped into it. My first comment; "that's how bones get broken"
Note: no bones were broken during the filming of these events
But a lot of fun was had, and maybe some memories were made

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Happy Halloween!! I know, I'm a few days late. We had a week full of celebrations. We started last Saturday at the gym's spooktacular; Thursday, Ethan went to his fall party at school; Friday we hit the Harvest Festival at a local church;
She's a pretty little cow saying "Moo moo"
 Sunday I let the kids wear their costumes to pick up Daddy from work and then over to Grandma's.
 Then, Monday, the actual day, FINALLY!! Ethan picked out some pumpkin faces, Daddy carved them (by the way the 2 smaller pumpkins were grown in our own backyard) 

He was being a pumpkin

 It was a gorgeous day. We packed up and went back over to Grandma's had some dinner and then hit the street. I took Lucy to the first few houses, then left Mike, Ethan, Auntie and Jack to gather candy from the rest of the neighborhood.
Lucy Ladybug

General Grievous, minus the mask

All aglow

Walking with Papa
Now we have a sack full of candy sitting in our pantry and a boy that doesn't want to understand that Halloween only comes once a year.