Lucy had her 2 week well baby check up on Tuesday and I'm happy to report that she is growing!! OK, mostly happy, there may be a tiny portion of me that wants to keep her a newborn. Ethan does too, so he tells me. Since Lucy's birth, E talks about growing a lot. "When I grow as big as Daddy, will I still have the same voice?" "When I grow big and can drive..." "When baby gets big like me can we have another baby? But this time Bang, Bang Maxwell" (For those that don't know, Maxwell was our top choice if Lucy had been a boy, and Ethan sings "Maxwell's Silver Hammer."
So back to our Nugget, she weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces (a pound gained in about a week and a half) 50th% for her age; and 20 1/2 inches tall (grew an inch). Doctor said she's doing great. Her umbilical cord fell off last week, thank goodness, now she can get real baths and I won't have to fold down her diapers. She eats A LOT (funny, just like I did when i was pregnant with her). She has no schedule yet, which is normal for a newborn, but a little hard on a family with an active 3 1/2 year old. She mostly sleeps in our bed, yeah, yeah I know, it's not ideal but it's only temporary. She loves tummy time when she's awake and likes to be held so she's chest to chest with you.Ethan has been awesome! That first week was really rough but now that we're back to some sort of routine, and as long as we're consistent and follow through with discipline, his temper tantrums have been much more manageable. He is very into making friends right now, at the dr's office he talked to everyone in the waiting room before and after her appointment. And his imagination grows every day.
He likes to stay busy, that's the hardest part of Lucy's non schedule. i can't really take him too many places, not knowing if she'll scream, sleep or eat for an hour. A little more practice and we'll get it right. We did go to the Fun Fest, a PBS sponsored event for kids downtown. We had Grandma and Papa there to play with too. My mom's been awesome, she takes E on Wednesday to her house, just like when I was working, so he has some stability and Lucy and I can catch up on rest, housework or just a little sanity. Michael's been great about taking him places too, the gym, fishing, and the library. He's even had a date with his auntie and a seperate one with his papa (he's a lucky kid)
We managed a family fishing trip to one of the lakes that is fairly close to home. Lucy slept the whole time, Ethan played, and Michael caught 5 fish. I'd say it was pretty successful, although I was exhausted by the time we got home.
And, now, I here crying, so, until next time...
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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