Looks like we made it home from our vacation just in time, or maybe the traveling affected me and nugget.
Caution: If you are squeamish about pregnancy/girlie issues please don't feel it necessary to continue.
I want to start by saying everything is ok, baby is still snug in the womb and I am not on any restricted activities.
Yesterday afternoon I started not feeling so hot and went to lay down. After a few minutes I had to go pee, for the millionth time. Afterward I noticed some blood and, kind of, freaked out. Unfortunately the doctor's office was already closed for the day so we were recommended to go to the hospital to get evaluated. Thankfully, I have the best mom ever and she came over right away to watch E.
We got settled into a labor & delivery trauma room at the hospital, where they hooked me up to monitors to watch baby and to see if I was having any steady contractions. After about an hour the nurse came in and ran a few tests; it was determined that my water had not broken and I was not dilated. There is a test they can preform to see if my body is going to go into labor within the next few weeks, but unfortunately because of the blood the test would not be accurate. After a few hours of observation and some uncomfortable testing we were released. We already had an appointment scheduled for today with my OB.
At our appointment today my doc decided to start me on anti-labor medication (a once a week shot), a steroid shot to help develop nugget's lungs (just in case), and an type of muscle relaxer in case I have too many contractions. We also had our appointments moved from every other week to every week. The doctor was great, he helped to calm our fears, if baby was born now there is very low risk of any long term damage and the biggest concern would be lung development. He will evaluate whether bed rest is necessary at each appointment.
What a way to end vacation huh?
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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