Which is more exciting: Christmas or Easter? Christ being born or rising from the grave? Or, to a three year old, Santa or the Easter Bunny?
Ethan has been asking everyday for a week, "Is it Easter time?" That's been the first question when he wakes up in the morning and, once, when he woke up from a nap it was: "Did I sleep all the days and it's Easter time?"
Finally, yesterday morning, we got to tell him IT'S EASTER!! This is the happy Easter faceThen, started the mission, where did the bunny hide the basket? In the bathroom! Silly bunny.
(Don't know how I managed the get the I Love You hand signal, but it fits)
Worst part of the day, found out Mom wasn't feeling good and needed to stay home for the day. Fortunately, my dad brought over the goodies. (I wasn't fast enough to get a shot of E's basket) Here's Nugget's first Easter basketAnd my new bag!!!
After lots of playing, tons of candy and a nap we headed up to Chuck and Diane's for an egg hunt and dinner. Yes, we still hunt for eggs, as adults, and its probably the most fun part of the day. The face in this picture is "Mom, I'm on the hunt, quit interrupting me for pictures" but I had to, Grandma needed to see too.
My boys cleaned up at the hunt, I think Michael ended up with 11 and Ethan was pretty close to that too. After the hunting we had a wonderful dinner, where E surprisingly kept asking for more and more ham (not usually one of his favorites) and, bonus, he didn't puke!
If you look at this next picture, between the two chairs, on the porch, is a robin. It sat on the porch for hours and then started flying into the door. We have no idea why but finally shut the blinds and it stopped.Once we got home it had started to sleet outside. For the next 1/2 hour or so, we watched the fat fluffy flakes come down and Ethanrun around like a mad man.
Happy Easter!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Time
Monday, April 18, 2011
Fishing, Take 2-Manitou Lake
We had much better luck today on our fishing trip. Not only did Ethan catch his first ever fish, it was the first fish of the season!! It was the second cast. He, mostly, cast it by himself. Then when he started reeling it in he told me he felt something. Sure enough, he reeled in a trout! Unfortunately, when Michael dipped it back in the water to clean it it got the hook loose and swam away, but we got pictures.
For the next 15-20 minutes he'd go from me to Michael asking; "Did you catch anything yet?" Way to rub it in buddy.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Fishing, Kind of
So our first fishing trip of the season turned out to be, kind of, a bust. Although, we got to enjoy some beautiful scenery on a beautiful day.
We have Spring fever and have wanted to get into the mountains since, well,we were last up there in the fall. This past Monday was a gorgeous day so we packed up, stopped for a fishing license and headed out towards Rampart Reservoir. Well, who knew that the access road doesn't open till May 1 (yes I failed to do that part of my research). As we were driving away we noticed another parking area that had quite a few cars and a trail. So we decided that we would see where that lead and after 15 minutes, or too difficult of a hike, we would turn around. We met a lady right at the beginning that told us it was a very easy hike in. After about 20 minutes we met a gentleman that told us it was at least another 3/4 a mile. So we decided to turn around, Ethan was devastated, he really wanted to fish. So we stopped at the creek, lured up his rod and threw a few casts out.
Now we can't wait till next time!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Back to Reality
Looks like we made it home from our vacation just in time, or maybe the traveling affected me and nugget.
Caution: If you are squeamish about pregnancy/girlie issues please don't feel it necessary to continue.
I want to start by saying everything is ok, baby is still snug in the womb and I am not on any restricted activities.
Yesterday afternoon I started not feeling so hot and went to lay down. After a few minutes I had to go pee, for the millionth time. Afterward I noticed some blood and, kind of, freaked out. Unfortunately the doctor's office was already closed for the day so we were recommended to go to the hospital to get evaluated. Thankfully, I have the best mom ever and she came over right away to watch E.
We got settled into a labor & delivery trauma room at the hospital, where they hooked me up to monitors to watch baby and to see if I was having any steady contractions. After about an hour the nurse came in and ran a few tests; it was determined that my water had not broken and I was not dilated. There is a test they can preform to see if my body is going to go into labor within the next few weeks, but unfortunately because of the blood the test would not be accurate. After a few hours of observation and some uncomfortable testing we were released. We already had an appointment scheduled for today with my OB.
At our appointment today my doc decided to start me on anti-labor medication (a once a week shot), a steroid shot to help develop nugget's lungs (just in case), and an type of muscle relaxer in case I have too many contractions. We also had our appointments moved from every other week to every week. The doctor was great, he helped to calm our fears, if baby was born now there is very low risk of any long term damage and the biggest concern would be lung development. He will evaluate whether bed rest is necessary at each appointment.
What a way to end vacation huh?