I am tired, Ethan has not slept well in the past two nights, therefore, Mom and Dad have not slept well. I think he's trying to prepare us for whats to come, and he doesn't take the hint that we need to get all the sleep we can now so that way we'll be well rested for nugget's arrival (yeah right). So, here are some pictures that I keep forgetting to upload
Washing the car with Dad, although our hose leaks and it was not warm enough to get soaked with hose water
An attempt at taking his shirt off (he has been very fond of getting naked lately)Sharing with his buddy, Cooper. One rides while the other pushes
Then, they switch (for those of you that are not aware, for most people, sharing is not a "natural" skill, it has to be learned)
Smashing a lego robot to bits (this, on the other hand, seems to be a more natural skill)
And then posing, champion of the battle
We had a doctor's appointment yesterday for nugget, everything is going really well. We start going every other week once we're back from vacation. They also started testing me for a protein that is released that tells if I'm likely to go into labor early (pretty cool science-y stuff). I should get the results back within the next few days, I think they will be doing this every visit until we get closer to due date. If the test comes back positive, they can either give me medicine to prevent preterm labor or, if its close enough, a steroid that will help baby's lungs develop faster.
100 Things to Put on a Charcuterie Board
4 years ago
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