Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Guess Who Got a Haircut?
This crazy, shaggy boy just got his first professional haircut. Yeah, after last summer's incident, I did not attempt the clippers again, leave this job to the experts.AND, this shaggy man got his "dirty thirty" locks chopped too! (Although he didn't get to sit in a cool car, they did let him play a video game during the cut)
During...(before near meltdown occurred, I think he just lost his patience)
After... there are ears under that hair!!!
After for Dad... (trying to find suitcases in a mess of a closet, hence the forced smile)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I am tired, Ethan has not slept well in the past two nights, therefore, Mom and Dad have not slept well. I think he's trying to prepare us for whats to come, and he doesn't take the hint that we need to get all the sleep we can now so that way we'll be well rested for nugget's arrival (yeah right). So, here are some pictures that I keep forgetting to upload
Washing the car with Dad, although our hose leaks and it was not warm enough to get soaked with hose water
An attempt at taking his shirt off (he has been very fond of getting naked lately)Sharing with his buddy, Cooper. One rides while the other pushes
Then, they switch (for those of you that are not aware, for most people, sharing is not a "natural" skill, it has to be learned)
Smashing a lego robot to bits (this, on the other hand, seems to be a more natural skill)
And then posing, champion of the battle
We had a doctor's appointment yesterday for nugget, everything is going really well. We start going every other week once we're back from vacation. They also started testing me for a protein that is released that tells if I'm likely to go into labor early (pretty cool science-y stuff). I should get the results back within the next few days, I think they will be doing this every visit until we get closer to due date. If the test comes back positive, they can either give me medicine to prevent preterm labor or, if its close enough, a steroid that will help baby's lungs develop faster.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Ultimate Robot Book
My son has spent hours within the pages of this book. Michael found it at the library and it was an instant success. The book goes through the history of robot toys, robots in movies and even robot sculptures. He spends most of his time in the toy section, he likes the early 1950s and 1960s toys. He knows their names and most of what they do, we read him the pages and he retains the information. After we say goodnight for the night or nap time, he usually spends another 1/2 an hour reading this book. Thank goodness, the book is on order from Amazon so we will, eventually, be able to bring this copy back to the library.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Name Game
27 weeks, almost 7 months, for you non-math whizzes out there. Baby is getting gigantic! (At least that's what my aching body tells me). Average nugget size at this stage is about 2 pounds (feels like 10). It's a lot different being pregnant with #2 then it was with #1. For one thing, I can't just go lay down whenever I feel tired, I still have a 3 year old to entertain. But it's also a lot more fun, he gets excited about baby and being a big brother. We've been thinking about names for awhile now and we have a top pick for a boy and a top for a girl (we still have no idea the gender and have no intention on finding out until d-day). But don't fool yourselves, we have to wait to meet this little nugget before anything is determined (example: Ethan would've been Mason). Ethan helped in narrowing down our choices, see if you can guess his favorites:
P.S.the kid loves to be on camera, but more, he likes to watch his performances, the second song usually goes on a bit longer, but he got too excited.