Ethan had his first sleep over with Grandma and Papa on Saturday, Easter eve you may call it. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed their first solo night since he was in the NICU. Although he somehow got Grandma to sleep in the guest bed with him (cause it was probably very hard), he did well. The next morning, Easter, we arrived to find chocolate mustache man...

and super biker dude...

and the Easter bunny had come!! Ethan searched all over for his goodies (1 basket AND 2 gift bags!)

and he was successful in his search, with minimal help

The Easter bunny was very generous this year

Even bringing some weird bubbles that don't really pop

and a robot picture! (Have I mentioned Ethan LOVES robots? He tells me the robot watches him sleep and he has introduced him to his other robots)

After nap we headed over to Chuck and Diane's to enjoy a larger then usual family dinner, plus egg hunt. Ethan enjoys going down hills like he's on a roller coaster ride

The egg hunt was very successful, all 30+ eggs accounted for.And an additional 10 hidden especially for Ethan.

And my spoiled little man also got a fantastic gift from Jamie, one of his girlfriends.

Spud bunny!! Now friends with Mr. Potato Head at home

As I said, the dinner was larger then usual and Micheal, Bri, Ethan and myself were lucky enough to sit at the kids' table (hey we had our own butter). Everything was delicious!!

Afterward the four of us headed out for some frisbee

and the evening ended with some friendly ice-down-the-back tricks between Papa and Diane

Hope everyone else had a fantastic day!!
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