Sunday, January 18, 2009


New things in life worth lots of little boy attention:

1.) Turning the vacuum on. Anytime we open the closet door that the vacuum is in, Ethan freaks out with excitement. Take out the vacuum and there's even more joy. Trying to vacuum the floor is impossible, he pushes it from the front as far as it will go, now he knows to grab the handle and push it the right way but only in a straight line, we have to get the walking backwards part down before he can vacuum. Recently, he learned about the little switch that turns the vacuum on and off, so far he can only turn it on but that's good enough for him.

2.) A water fountain. We went with Auntie Bri to watch her friend play indoor soccer and they had a water fountain, this is the second one that has caught Ethan's attention. The first, the button was too hard for him to push on his own. This one though, was not in the best shape of its life and the button was very easy. First he had to push it with one finger, then with the other hand, then both at the same time. Then he had to try to figure out how to push it and stick his hand in the water at the same time (didn't quite get that part). THEN he had to go get Auntie and bring her to the water fountain.

I've been going through some of our older pictures and editing them and I found this one from last Christmas (2007). I thought it was funny because he now fits this shirt!