We have spent the last three days going park crazy!! It has been gorgeous here, high 60s to 70! On Tuesday we took Grandma to America The Beautiful Park, located in downtown. I'd been there a few times for my dad's races but never with Ethan and never to see the playground. This is my new favorite park, it is gorgeous! A climber or spinners dream park with all kinds of gadgets to play with. Here are just a few of the pictures that we took:He walked from these big bug things to the wall all by himself
On Wednesday we had plans to go back to Grandma's for some egg salad sandwiches (yum) but stopped at Palmer Park first, not as great as the day before but still fun
And then Thursday which was the end of our spring like weather streak for a little while so we went to our neighborhood park, we are very lucky that it's only a few houses away. This is where my little boy decided he wants to be a big boy. There were lots of kids there and they were all climbing up a metal ladder to get to the big slide and he wanted to have a go at. Now I know you have to let them try things but the kid can't even walk to the park by himself yet and the other kids were waiting so I had to pull him away and go over to the littler play area. Poor guy just wants to play with the big kids, we had fun anyways.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Beautiful Weather in Colorado
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
For the Love of Teeth
I believe that we are getting paid back for Ethan's first two teeth coming in so beautifully and perfectly. Or maybe it was that I was in such a hurry for him to get more teeth. I'm not sure what it is, but these two teeth are wrecking havoc on that poor little boy. He has all the nasty side effects of teething. Hopefully yesterday was the worst of it. He had three messy diapers during the day, with diaper rash so bad I just stuck him in the tub to clean him off. He didn't eat a very good breakfast or lunch and hardly any snacks. His spirits are so high though, you wouldn't know anything was wrong until you had to change him. We went out to dinner for my birthday and he was great, eating everything as usual. Then we was a riot at my parents house afterward, making us all laugh with his faces and goofy behaviors. We got home around 8 and he was still wide awake, I gave him a bottle and put him to bed. Mike, his mom and I settled in to watch Eagle Eye, a movie. At 11 Ethan woke up fussing a little, we gave him about 5 minutes and then Mike went up to cuddle him and put him back in bed. Mike didn't know he was in for a big surprise! Ethan had thrown up while he was sleeping and it was EVERYWHERE!! All down his p.j.s, on the crib, on the floor, and it smelled!! I took Ethan, Mike tackled the room. Add to that another messy diaper and diaper rash that was getting worse and worse, it felt like we were in for a long night. But, we got everything and everyone cleaned up and settled down and he fell back asleep till three, another messy diaper and terrible rash and then he was back asleep till 8. When he woke up this morning it was like nothing happened! He was happy and hungry and ready to play. The diaper rash was still there but a lot better. He is currently taking a nap. As I said before, hopefully yesterday was the worst of it and these teeth will break soon.
Here's some pictures from my birthday:
Mike made me french toast, I gave Ethan a piece with jelly on it and somehow Milo ended up with jelly on his nose, hmmmAnother nice day in Colorado, we got to go to the park and burn some energy
Ethan finally got the hang of opening presents, too bad he'll have to wait almost a year till it's his turn again
I was taking too long so he opened this one for me
And then took off with the gift bag
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New things in life worth lots of little boy attention:
1.) Turning the vacuum on. Anytime we open the closet door that the vacuum is in, Ethan freaks out with excitement. Take out the vacuum and there's even more joy. Trying to vacuum the floor is impossible, he pushes it from the front as far as it will go, now he knows to grab the handle and push it the right way but only in a straight line, we have to get the walking backwards part down before he can vacuum. Recently, he learned about the little switch that turns the vacuum on and off, so far he can only turn it on but that's good enough for him.
2.) A water fountain. We went with Auntie Bri to watch her friend play indoor soccer and they had a water fountain, this is the second one that has caught Ethan's attention. The first, the button was too hard for him to push on his own. This one though, was not in the best shape of its life and the button was very easy. First he had to push it with one finger, then with the other hand, then both at the same time. Then he had to try to figure out how to push it and stick his hand in the water at the same time (didn't quite get that part). THEN he had to go get Auntie and bring her to the water fountain.
I've been going through some of our older pictures and editing them and I found this one from last Christmas (2007). I thought it was funny because he now fits this shirt!