Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Leaves

I have to admit, fall is not my favorite season. I love spring and summer when there's new life, the weather's hot and we can go on vacation!!
I do appreciate fall, it's just too short. The leaves changing color, the air turning crisp, the excitement of the pending holidays building. Oh and the sun sets earlier so bedtime can be adjusted accordingly.
This weekend we had just enough fallen leaves to rake into a pile and then smash through!
She is such a helper
First jump!

It is a beautiful season

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween is Coming!!

Halloween from the words of Lucy:

"Mommy's in the house and something died in there. Don't go in there, something's died in there"


There's a house that we pass on a daily basis with blow up lawn decorations. One of said decorations is an outhouse with a sign on the side that says "it smells like something died in there" and a mummy pops out the door.
My daughter has been telling everyone about the "mommy" and the "house" and that there's something dead, I'm very concerned what people may think if she continues this after Halloween is over.

Halloween evidence from children:
Yesterday, at a play date, all the children were outside and suddenly came running in screaming "AHHH! There's a black widow spider!! AHHHH!!!"
Clamly (which is surprising because I hate all types of spiders and you're telling me black widow) I have them take me to the spider. After careful examination, I determined, it was indeed a living spider, but infact, it was a baby daddy long legs and the children were safe to continue playing outside. They still decided to come in and color.