Let's start at the beginning shall we? OK, not the beginning, but the most exciting...
My sister got MARRIED!!!! It was a gorgeous wedding and a fantastic party. Unfortunately, the only pictures I have currently are from the rehearsal, but, trust me, the professional ones (shot by the wonderful Samantha Kelly (who does all our family photos)) are going to be worth the wait
The strangest part of this new union is that I now have a brother. I know, it should be that my sister's married or changed her last name or I can say "my sister's husband", but to me, it's having a brother-in-law (or outlaw, I guess)
He's a great guy, and, bonus, we actually like to hang out with him. Plus my sister can put up with him.
Along with all the wedding festivities, we have been going to the zoo quite frequently. As a mother's day gift, Michael and the kids got me a membership so we've been taking advantage of it. Lucy loves the animals, Ethan loves the stuff. They both encourage each other to explore the other.
This melts me |
The boys on the skyride |
Lucy was terrified of the sky ride (which she called skateboard for awhile). The boys went up alone and we cruised the gift shop
The kids had their bi-annual dentist appointment and did sensationally, both are members of the "no cavity club" and there were no tears. As a reward/incentive/bribe we went to the penny arcade in Manitou and pumped them full of sugar and video games.
Then, somehow, it turned into July!! The kids celebrated the majority of the day with Grandma and Papa with the excitement of fireworks for later....
....if you didn't know, our city has had some pretty devastating fires the past two years and it was shocking that the city allowed the fireworks show to go on...
The whole fam attended the shindig, along with thousands upon thousands of others. Lucy had a blast, until the fireworks started and then she hid her face for the most of it. Ethan had fun the whole time, he even conducted the fireworks for a small part, blew them up during another, and then ducked from them for the rest.
This evening we were blessed to have a good old (he's not old, well, not that old, we've just known him for a long time) friend over for dinner, dessert and some truck time
Nothing feels quite as American as hanging out in the bed of a Chevy