Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire

For any of you watching the news and wondering about us. There is a massive wildfire here in Colorado Springs. Our family, my parents and my sister and her fiance are all safe and not in the line of the fire. We all live east of the interstate, where the fire is west; and are praying that this is contained quickly.
There are homes and neighborhoods and parks and landmarks and beautiful landscape burning to a crisp right now. It is terrifying and extremely surreal. Please keep our city, our home in your thoughts. God is good, he has a plan, we just need to find peace in that. One day we will know why but right now we just need to remain faithful.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Boys Vs Girls

Alternate titles: (from Ethan) Dudes vs. chicks; Boys Rule, Girls Drool

There are so many things in the world of parenthood that people don't warn you about; brush your baby's gums or when they actually get teeth, they will hate to have them brushed; put on the sunscreen before they get sandy or you will exfoliate the crap out of their skin while you apply. So, you have a baby, you learn all of it as you go that works.

But then

You have a baby of the opposite gender (works best if you had a boy first) and no one warns you how different they are!
 I don't just mean the parts to tell them apart, or that girls are usually pretty over dramatic from day 1. What I mean is, have you ever set up a closet for a girl, AFTER having a boy for 3.5 years! This is no easy feat. Boys are easy; shorts, pants, shirts both long sleeve and short, underwear, socks, done. Then there's the girls. To this point I have not had too much trouble, onesies, dresses, long sleeve short sleeve.

But then

My friend dropped off a whole mess of hand me down clothes for Lucy (I am extremely grateful for this, otherwise my daughter would probably be clothed in her brothers hand me downs and would have no fashion AT ALL). In this pile of clothes, I now have to find a spot for...are you ready?

Pants, capris, shorts, skirts, leggings, stockings, shirts ranging from sleeveless, short sleeve, 3/4 sleeve and long sleeve, sweaters, jackets, goes on and on. And then as I am putting away small clothes, I find all these accessories that I'm not used to dressing my child in and get sad that she never wore them. So, I try to put her in every outfit within the first week that we own it. At least she wore it once. It doesn't help that my not so dainty princess would much prefer to be in the buff,

 and forget shoes, they are pulled off within 5 minutes of getting in the car. I dread laundry day, not only do I have to find a spot for all these "things", but she pulls out most of it while I'm putting something else away.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Party Time

If you go out in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.
  For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.

 Sunday, a great day for a first birthday party
 the birthday girl was in great spirits (despite missing a nap)
 We had a very few friends and family members over to Grandma's backyard to help us celebrate

 We did a little cake decorating, as in Lucy decorated herself with cake

 and then it was over
Thank you to all of our friends and family that make days like today special for my wee ones, birthdays should always be memorable for them.