This is a sequence of photos that I took on Monday. Ethan and Michael were playing with all of their cars when Ethan began obsessing about the steering wheel in this tractor. We could tell he was really trying to communicate something but could not understand. Finally he got his point across. He is trying to tell Daddy that he wants to get in the tractor and drive, literally sit in the little seat and turn the steering wheel. He was asking Daddy to help him get in. Poor Michael, laughing the entire time had to try to tell Ethan that there was no way for him to help him get in the tractor.
Friday, June 26, 2009
But Daddy, I Want to Drive It
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day 2009
What a wonderful day for Father's Day/the first day of summer. The weather here was gorgeous! A little hot but not unbearable. In the afternoon we headed over to Spring Spree, a festival held downtown at the beginning of summer. It's mostly booths set up to sell things or advertise but there's also a few shows, some live music and a kids area. Right when we walked into the area there was a show with Native American dancing, Ethan loved the drums
Sunday, June 21, 2009
One thing that must be learned when running around and rough housing outside is to watch all the players and keep yourself out of their path. Ethan and Milo had a minor collision in the backyard a few days ago, resulting in a small fat lip for Ethan. Don't worry, the swelling was gone by the next day and the bruise a couple of days following.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
18 Months Old
This is a big month for us, Ethan is officially on the downhill slope to 2! He celebrated his half birthday on the 10th. This past Monday we had his 18 month well baby check up. It followed the trend of the past two appointments, as in, was fine until someone other than mom or dad tried to touch him. Then we went into baby meltdown mode. The doc says he looks great (always good to hear). Couldn't get an accurate weight (due to meltdown mentioned above) but they guesstimated 22 lbs 15 oz, height 33in (almost 3 feet tall!). He got three shots, each one as terrible as the one before. And then a sticker to make it all better.
Yesterday I noticed that one of the injection sites was slightly more pink than the day before and warm to the touch, today even more so. It wasn't tender at all but as a mom I am supposed to freak out about any abnormality so I called the dr's office. As soon as I mentioned warm to the touch they told me I had to bring him in. So, $25 later (copay) we find out what we pretty much already knew, it's nothing to be concerned about. The good thing about this visit, we found out he actually weighs 24 lbs 9 oz, a pretty big difference for an 18 month old.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Looking for Summer Help?
Are you looking for someone to help out with landscaping this summer, or just an odd job or two? I have a wonderful candidate. He is a morning person, and an afternoon person and an evening person. Good with tools, 'hammer' is in his daily vocabulary. Takes mowing the lawn, and the carpet and the driveway very seriously.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Another Week Gone By
I know that I have not been great about posting, we have been busy, busy, busy, but not much new. We have been working hard on our patio and Mike is putting on the finishing touches as I type. We are hoping to debut it on Father's Day in a few weeks!
Other than that, there's not much going on here. He's talking up a storm and trying out all kinds of new sounds, some understandable, most gibberish. He likes to climb, mostly people. We try to be outside a lot throughout the day. He really enjoys 'driving' our cars while we work in the yard. He is becoming slightly addicted to tv, although we limit his watching, he knows that Grandma can turn on Elmo whenever he wants or that Mommy can put in his Thomas video, oh and he is definitely learning what works toward his favor to get these outcomes. At least to counteract the tv addict, he also LOVES books! He is always getting into his books and just plays with them. We have one night time book that's a compilation of Disney stories, at the end are 2 pages of stickers. He's learning how to peel off the stickers and then stick them on a blank page. Plus he knows some of the character's names so that increases the appeal of the book. Yesterday we went to Target to look at their book section and we couldn't peel him away without tears.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Pictures by Samantha Kelly
As a mother's day gift to my mom, we hired a good friend of mine to take family photos. We don't have many, always forget to take them and haven't had a professional shot since we were kids. We went yesterday morning to the Garden of the Gods (and some surrounding areas) to get the pics done. There are so many beautiful pictures, it was hard to choose which ones to leave out. Thank you again Sam!