Monday, October 22, 2012

This Kid

Yesterday, I bought this kid his first pair of boy (rather then toddler) sized, lace up shoes. He is now officially out of all toddler sizes, clothes and shoes

 This kid is getting scarily close to the 4 foot mark. He barely shed a tear when he got his flu shot. His sister calls him "brother" and he teaches her everything he knows. He wrestles (mostly) gently with her and makes her laugh.
 He uses his manners. His creativity and ability to create games and play independently have taken off. His friends at school make a point to stop him and say goodbye.
He is a master at Candy Land. He thinks about others when he makes his decisions. He had his first kiss, with his first girlfriend at school on the playground. Where she says they're getting married, he says they are the best of friends.
But, he still needs a snuggle when he falls and hurts himself. He still wants someone to sing to him at night and lay with him till he falls asleep.
He's on the doorstep of his fifth birthday and we are trying to hold onto his little boyness for as long as possible.