Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs

On Thursday Ethan and I dyed some Easter eggs
He really enjoyed dropping them into the dye and didn't really understand why he couldn't fish them out and do it again, so I got out some cups of water and his plastic eggs and he "dyed" them.

after that got boring (about 5 minutes) he just played with the water
He loves Easter eggs, Grandma has been helping him practice for the big Easter egg hunt. She'll "hide" about 10 eggs around the room and he gets his basket and finds them all. Hide n' go seek is one of his favorite games at the moment so the Easter egg hunt is perfect. So far, other then the wind, the weather seems to be cooperating for a hunt this afternoon. It will be the first time in 3 years that we actually hunt for Easter eggs on Easter, because of snow we usually postpone it to Mother's Day. I am borrowing my sister's camera (thank you again) until my new one arrives so I'll try to take lots of pictures.